Se que nunca entro, y se que he tenido tantos blogs, y he cambiado tantas veces que la mitad de mis seguidores estan repartidos por como ocho blogs.
Escribo para decir que estoy cansada... tired tired tired of everything. And I'm hungry, I'm hungry but then I'm not. And I feel like I have nothing, I feel like I could just stay quiet for a long period of time and people wouldn't even notice. Not because they don't care, but because they wouldn't notice it. I don't know what... I wanted to feel alright. I wanna find Sophie. This is me, wrist. I don't know if you know me, or if you don't. This is my sad little story, the story I've been telling since I started to realize that life wasn't that easy, and I couldn't control my feeling anymore. And the sadness and the sorrow and the regrets, were so many I ended up feeling nothing, and I needed to feel something. I want to say this is over, I moved on. But now I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure at all... and I'm scared that I might be fooling myself.
También quisiera encontrar a Sophie. Leí su blog por mucho tiempo durante el cual desarrollé un gran aprecio por ella, y aunque no la conocí personalmente, cada vez que vuelvo a entrar en su blog abandonado me entristece la idea de no volver a saber de su existencia :(